Friday, December 30, 2016

The Wizarding World or My Son is 8

My littlest on Christmas Day 2015.
 All he asked for was Harry Potter goodies.  And boy, did Santa deliver!

November 2016- my family hosted my son's 8th birthday party.  He loves Harry Potter, so very much. We all do, all four of us. After our very first trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando my youngest son made a request for a Harry Potter birthday party.  We spent three fun days immersed in the world or Wizards and Witches (and other theme park goodness) and I was determined to bring J.K. Rowling's brand of magic back home with us.

I planned to invite my son's friends to Hogwarts, in our house.  And have them shop for their school supplies in Daigon Alley, in our house.  And sort them into their Houses, in our house.  And have their wand choose them.  And, and and!  So many magical ideas rattled around in my head.  And I knew I had to get started so I'd have plenty of time to create these activities.  My supportive husband just nodded and smiled.  He knows from past parties that once a theme is set it is full steam ahead. The Hogwarts Express was leaving the station.  We will be making magical memories for 15 small children and that's that.

I started mentally planning three months prior to his party.  In reality I starting making things on August 29th (thank goodness for date/time stamps on digital photos.)  With the party just 67 days away I had to get crafting.  I began with small props, moved into costumes and visual details, and finished with party favors and food.  The party was a delightful success for Wizards, Witches, and Muggles alike.  I posted pictures on Social Media as I created items and so many people expressed support that we decided to host a Hogwarts Open House immediately following the birthday party.  I wanted to share the crafts and preparations with any of you wanting to create a magical day for someone else you love.

Please join me on this craftacular  journey that transformed our suburban family home into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (even if it was for just one beautiful, autumn day.)

Welcome to Platform 9 3/4.  The magic lies just behind the brick well.